Year 4 had an amazing visit to Arbeia, we enjoyed being archeologists and examining artefacts from over 2000 years ago! Our favourite part of the visit was marching like Roman soldiers through the fort entrance.
Year 4 had an amazing visit to the Hancock museum. We learned a lot about the Ancient Greeks and explored the hidden lives of women and children. We had lots of fun exploring the museum and enjoyed many of the exhibits! We were very lucky to escape the terrifying great white shark!
Last week as part of their DT, Year 4 made some pizzas – we think they turned out very well!
Year 4 had an amazing time creating lovely tie-dye patterns. We had loads of fun learning about how natural materials were better for dying and where they come from. We used our marvellous maths skills to measure and mix the dyes with Mrs Jago; we chose three bright colours; ultramarine, emerald green and turquoise. We are very proud of our creations, we hope you think they’re amazing too!
Theo is keeping up with his goalkeeper training and we think he’s brilliant. Here’s a little video to show what he does in his training sessions. Well done Theo.
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This half-term, during our gardening session, Year 4 had the very important job of planting the garlic. We learnt that each single clove of garlic planted can grow into a new bulb, which is made up of ten new cloves! We quickly did some mental maths and worked out that for every one bulb (ten cloves) that we planted, we will be growing 100 new cloves! Other jobs included: collecting leaves to place in the compost bins, creating a bug hotel and helping to make pancakes around the fire pit for everyone to share. We ate our pancakes with banana and Nutella whilst singing some Christmas carols to entertain Emma.
In Year 4, after our visit to Whitburn Methodist Church, we thought about ways in which we could help people in our local community. One of the charities that the Church supports is Hospitality & Hope in South Shields. The charity has a foodbank, a clothes bank, a soup kitchen and also a shower and washing machine for people to use when they visit. We are very grateful to all of our parents, carers and extended families who have been collecting old clothing to donate to this very important cause. Miss Peart has delivered a mountain of bags to their warehouse unit and all of the staff were overwhelmingly grateful.
Year 4 visited The Customs House this week as part of the UK Into Film Festival. They travelled there by public bus and have been complimented on their manners and brilliant behaviour whilst out of school. They all enjoyed the film and were even lucky enough to meet Pikachu afterwards.